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COP22 - Marrakech

Leaders and experts from international, regional and national research, development and donor organizations today called for stepping up efforts on drought management and mitigation in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) r

Welcome to the fourth edition of our AIRCA Newsletter

Welcome to the fourth edition of our AIRCA Newsletter. A lot has happened since our last edition in June.

Welcome to the third edition of our AIRCA Newsletter

Welcome to the third edition of our AIRCA Newsletter.

GAPAD SDG2 2016 Webinar

GAPAD SDG2 2016 Webinar: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture. Tuesday | 20 September 2016 Time : 11.00am (East African Time)

Quinoa for Future Food and Nutrition Security in Marginal Environments

The global population is expected to increase to 9.7 billion in 2050 and there are concerns about the capacity of agriculture to produce enough food for the growing population.

Plantwise wins OECD development innovation prize

11 March 2016 - The CABI-led Plantwise programme won the OECD Development Assistance Committee's Prize 2015 for innovation.

The $60 billion a year industry made from a plant

(CNN)The word bamboo typically brings to mind images of baskets, or bamboo shoots commonly used in Asian cuisine.

AIRCA takes part at GCARD 3 Global Event

A range of agricultural issues was robustly debated at the recent Global Event of the Third Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development (GCARD3) in South Africa.

AIRCA takes part at GCARD 3 Global Event

A range of agricultural issues was robustly debated at the recent Global Event of the Third Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development (GCARD3) in South Africa.

The $60 billion a year industry made from a plant

(CNN)The word bamboo typically brings to mind images of baskets, or bamboo shoots commonly used in Asian cuisine.

Quinoa for Future Food and Nutrition Security in Marginal Environments

The global population is expected to increase to 9.7 billion in 2050 and there are concerns about the capacity of agriculture to produce enough food for the growing population.