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Welcome to the seventh edition of our AIRCA Newsletter

Welcome to the seventh edition of our AIRCA Newsletter. Find out what has happened since our last edition in December 2017.

CABI and IFPRI land prestigious $250,000 Inspire Challenge 2018 Scale Up award

CABI and the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) have landed a prestigious $250,000 Inspire 2018 Scale Up award for their ground-breaking 'Seeing is Believing' project which helps optimise far

Are forgotten crops the future of food?

Just four crops - wheat, maize, rice and soybean - provide two-thirds of the world’s food supply.

Global Bamboo And Rattan Congress 2018

How Can Bamboo And Rattan Contribute To South-South Coorperation And The sustainable Development Goals? Our world today faces a set of fundamental challenges.

Launch of the Forgotten Foods Network

Crops For the Future (CFF) is leading the Forgotten Foods Network - a global initiative to collect and share information on foods, recipes and traditions that are part of our common heritage.

CABI launches new Horticulture Compendium

CABI recently launched a fantastic new Horticulture Compendium which provides authoritative datasheets on temperate, tropical and subtropical horticultural food crops.

AIRCA Publications

This site provides a searchable database of abstracts of the key publications by AIRCA Member organizations and has been set up to make the AIRCA publication abstracts freely available,

Congratulations Dr. Dyno Keatinge

Last Friday, our AIRCA Ambassador Dr.

GAPAD - Global Action Plan for Agricultural Diversification

Crops for the future (CFF) has identified the need for a Global Action Plan for Agricultural Diversification (GAPAD) to meet the needs of a hotter world.

AIRCA meets FAO Director General

The annual meeting of the Director Generals (DG) of AIRCA (Association of International Research and Development Centers for Agriculture) was held on 10 February, 2017 at the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) headquarters in Rome, Italy. 

AIRCA announces new Chair Prof Sayed Azam-Ali

The Association of International Research and Development Centers for Agriculture (AIRCA) announces that Professor Sayed Azam-Ali has been elected as its new Chair for the 2017 - 2018 term.