About us
Research Themes
Capacity Development
Who we are
Our Work
What makes ICBA unique
ICBA Strategy: Refresh 2019-2023
ICBA at 20: Stories of Success
ICBA at 20: A Look at History
Biosaline agriculture as an approach to land restoration
Webinar: Enhancing Millet Value Chain for Sustainable Livelihoods and Climate Resilience
For Media Enquiries
Mrs. Dima Al-Kahhale
Communication and Outreach Liaison
08 April 2020
Soil salinity takes heavy toll on smallholders in Ethiopia, South Sudan - study
07 April 2020
Message on Covid-19
14 March 2020
ICBA quinoa genotypes get go-ahead for commercial cultivation in Morocco
08 March 2020
ICBA celebrates Arab women scientists’ graduation from regional fellowship program
27 February 2020
ICBA starts genome-wide association studies of quinoa
11 February 2020
Why to invest more in women and girls in science
05 February 2020
Helping Jordanian farmers save water and money
20 January 2020
ICBA starts testing saltwater-based greenhouse prototype
15 January 2020
Farmers in Abu Dhabi start using reject brine to grow fish, halophyte
10 January 2020
Emirates Soil Museum attracts over 4,000 visitors
23 December 2019
AWLA fellows learn innovative agricultural research practices in Australia
22 December 2019
Experts discuss improving agricultural value chains in Central Asia