Seed multiplication of selected foxtail millet (Setaria italica) accessions


Single panicle selections were made from the six germplasm accessions of foxtail millet (ISe 1687, ISe 963, ISe 1820, ISe 1736, ISe 2 & ISe 1269) in 2023. These accessions were found promising under moisture stress and salinity (10 dS/m) conditions. However, in each accession, 2-3 plant types were observed. To achieve uniformity in phenology and other agronomic traits, it is necessary to purify the accessions for validating the yield performance and further sharing with different stakeholders in UAE.


Undertake 2nd generation of selfing and seed multiplication of single panicles harvested from different plant types in six accessions of foxtail millet.

Experiment Details

Date of sowing: 10 October 2023