January 2023

For Media Enquiries

  • comms@biosaline.org.ae
  • +971 4 304 63 45
  • Over 200 course completions were registered by learners from 38 countries, including Australia, Egypt, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan, Tunisia, and the UAE.
    Over 200 course completions were registered by learners from 38 countries, including Australia, Egypt, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan, Tunisia, and the UAE.

ICBA’s e-learning courses benefit learners from 38 countries in 2022

31 December 2022
As climate change continues to place pressure on already fragile agri-food systems, the need for professionals and students alike to have a deep understanding of land management, crop diversification, genetics, and climate change modeling and adaptation is critical. It is in this context that the International Center for Biosaline Agriculture’s (ICBA) suite of e-learning courses has achieved remarkable success.
  • Under a project financed by the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) titled “Cross-regional Partnerships for Improving Food and Nutritional Security in Marginal Environments of Central Asia”, ICBA and partners assessed ways of integrating quinoa into local farming and food production systems in five Central Asian countries and Azerbaijan.
    Under a project financed by the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) titled “Cross-regional Partnerships for Improving Food and Nutritional Security in Marginal Environments of Central Asia”, ICBA and partners assessed ways of integrating quinoa into local farming and food production systems in five Central Asian countries and Azerbaijan.

Quinoa genotype from ICBA gets go-ahead for cultivation in Tajikistan

30 December 2022
An early-maturing, high-yielding and nutrient-rich quinoa variety originating from seeds sourced from the International Center for Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA) has been approved for release in Tajikistan. After several years of evaluation, the new variety called “Vahdat” has proven to be salt- and heat-tolerant in various agro-ecological zones of the country.
  • Polyamines play a role in different physiological processes: a) growth and development; b) abiotic stress response; c) defense response; and d) aging in plants. (Source: Tyagi et al. 2022)
    Polyamines play a role in different physiological processes: a) growth and development; b) abiotic stress response; c) defense response; and d) aging in plants. (Source: Tyagi et al. 2022)

New study sheds more light on plant growth-regulating compounds

27 December 2022
Scientists at ICBA and their partners at Korea’s Yeungnam University have recently shed some light on how certain organic compounds can govern plant growth and a plant’s tolerance to different stresses. A paper recently published in Journal of Plant Growth Regulation presents a comprehensive review of polyamines, which are poorly understood organic compounds that can regulate plant growth and contribute to a plant’s defenses.