ICBA holds biannual board meeting

For Media Enquiries

Mrs. Dima Al-Kahhale

Communication and Outreach Liaison

  • comms@biosaline.org.ae
  • +971 4 304 63 45
  • ICBA holds biannual board meeting
    ICBA holds biannual board meeting
7 May 2016

On May 7-8, 2016, the International Center for Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA) organized a biannual meeting of the Board of Directors to review progress and set objectives.

During the first day of the meeting, the board reviewed the financial statements of the Center, its achievements, a new human resources policy and work plan for the next six months. They approved key policy documents which include ICBA’s audit report, travel policy, finance policy, gift acceptance policy, fund investment policy. The board also approved a resolution to enable establishment of an endowment fund.

The board also heard reports on the Center’s future research program and plan of action in marginal environments, as well as planned events. In particular, ICBA announced plans to host an International Quinoa Conference to the board members with its objective and plan of action.

The board and ICBA management also discussed the results of the first stakeholder assessment report and communication action plans. The board also approved ICBA’s annual report for 2015, the intellectual property rights policy, the stakeholder assessment report and a new awards scheme for ICBA staff.

The board meets twice a year. The next meeting is scheduled for December 2016 after the International Quinoa Conference.